Thursday, July 24, 2008

Pity Party

I have been having a pity-party for my self this week. I went to see a specialist about my back last Thursday, and he said that I was healing and that it could take up to a year for it to be back to something like normal. Take calcium meds and supplements, yada, yada. Then he told me that my lungs were s**t. Yes, he said that word! He did get my attention though. On Monday I decided to quit smoking. I know I should have quit long ago, and I have made the attempt several times. Have made it a couple of months before, and then something very stressful comes along and a cigarette is in my hand again. It is my only vice, and very hard to give up. They need to start a re-hab program for smokers. If I had a bad drug problem, I could get all kinds of help to get off them. If I could be locked up in a padded cell for a couple of weeks with out cigarettes, maybe that would do the trick! I have tried all the products that are supposed to help you quit, but they cause a rash or make me sick to my stomach. So……I guess using will power is my only choice. I am trying. Have cut down by about 80%, which isn’t good, but it’s better than nothing. Anyway…… week has been all about not smoking, and it makes me irritable and nervous and edgy and not interested in anything. I have managed to do a little bit of embroidery. It’s just something to keep my hands busy. My back is getting better and I hope to be able to get back to my sewing machine soon. Please excuse the ranting of this post. I will try to be more upbeat in the future.
I managed to get the July installment of the Noah's Ark BOM finished.

This is a little embroidery I did and colored it with colored pencils. I still have to go over the colored pencil with some textile medium. I am trying the method called colorque, by helen of hugs and kisses. I don't have her link handy, but will add it to my list soon. I am not sure if I like the look of it. It seems to take away from the old fashioned feel of embroidery.

This is a larger stitchery that I am doing. The fabric is unbleached muslin. I used Paint Shop Pro trying to get the green of the trees to show up better, but it made the whole thing more green. Oh, well. I am going to make a pillow out of this one. It is about the size of the bed of my scanner. If it turns out to be as pretty as I hope, I may give it away when I get to one hundred posts. That is a long way off so I have plenty of time to finish it..........God willing, of course.


Nancy said...

You Go Girl!! You are smarter than those ciggies and you can do it!!

Just think of all the money will save that can buy fabric and thread and patterns and other cool stuff....

Myra said...

Sorry to hear that your back healing will be a lengthy ordeal. I feel for you... I know back pain (roll off the couch, onto the hands and knees on the floor, then slowly stand up), but probably not to the extent of what you are feeling...
Love the stitcheries Lilly! I like the color you added! I think it looks great!
I quilt smoking about 8-9 years back. You can do it! Go for it!

Kizzy said...

Hi Lilly Hope your back get better,I know it hard to quilt smoking.Im trying to do that myself. I love the colored embroidery picture, Please do post her wed take care and I know you can do it Kizzy

Kathy said...

You can do it! Just take deep breathes and pray. I like the little shoe, different is good. Your back is getting better so there is light at the end of the tunnel. (Hope it's not a train!) K

Kieny The Dutchlady said...

Go for it Lilly. My experience with giving up smoking is that if you really want to stop you can do it; for me nothing else worked. I hope your back isn't troubling you too much.

Love the stitcheries, I still have to do the elephants.

Cathi said...

Love your stitcheries!! I keep saying I'll do some of those, but never quite make it to starting one. It is hard to quit smoking (been there, done that about 8 years ago) but I think the thing that helped me most was drinking as much water as I could stand and going for lots of walks. Another trick was to go brush my teeth every time I wanted a cigarette. I think that wonderful clean teeth feeling really helped suppress the urge to smoke.